KaTron as expertise in simulation technology is the only company in Turkey, most realistic driving simulation in DRIVEtron was introduced to the public meeting held.


KaTron Business Development and Sales Director Taylan Kınalı: “We have developed DRIVEtron to help training of Driver License Candidates.”

Mr Kınalı said “The DRIVEtron has been developed especially for driver candidates at the Driver Training Courses. The product delivers a training far away from accidental risks and provides to gain experience before real driving.

The software and electro mechanics of DRIVEtron are completely developed and produced by KaTron except the car itself. It is the most realistic driving simulator with respect to other simulators in the market.


Mr Kınalı indicated that “DRIVEtron has been produced fully compatible with Republic of Turkey Ministry of Education curriculum for Driver Training Courses and gives opportunity to all driver candidates more practical experience before real traffic, thus risks of accidents in real life would decrease.”

Kınalı also said; “The driver candidate enjoys learning to drive in safe with our new product and can get more experience. It would also prevent first fear of driving.”


Mr. Kınalı added, “DRIVEtron is ready to give more chance to courses who desire to become leader with use of this new technology for the driver training course market.” Mr. Kınalı summarized the advantages to the courses as “DRIVEtron will increase the chances in competition with the other companies, decrease the maintenance and training costs by reducing risk of vehicle detonations through use and wear. Moreover it will increase efficiency of courses by eliminating need of traveling to training circuit which will allow more trainees to train in a limited time.”

Mr. Kınalı points that by the dissemination of KaTron DRIVEtron products usage, social benefits can be understood if the report has taken into account in www.trafik.gov.tr in Turkey: “The Traffic Accidents and Results in 2010”. The report clearly identifies 95 percent of the traffic accidents belonged driver failures.

The main purpose of the DRIVEtron is to provide more experience with virtual environment to the candidate before real traffic driving while helping to make less errors when roadworthy. On the other hand the energy-saving products, we can say that it is respectful for the environment because it reduces carbon emission levels. “Product First, indicating that the actual vehicle assembly products used, the only product DRIVEtron is made free of industry software renewals and maintenance services, as well as the largest technical service is a product with a network” Mr. Kınalı said.


You can have DRIVEtron with proper lease.

Simülatörün sürücü kursları için önemli bir yatırım kalemi oluşturmaması ve kursların kira giderinden dolayı vergi avantajı sağlaması açısından KaTron, DriveTron’u şimdilik “kiralama” modeli ile pazarlıyor. İki ayrı tipte tasarlanan DriveTron’un; yer sıkıntısı olan sürücü kursları için tasarlanan ve burun kısmı bulunmayan modeli 675 TL, bir üst modeli ise ayda 850 TL ile kiraya veriliyor. KaTron, üç yıllık kiralama taahhüdünde bulunan kurslara, üçüncü yılın sonunda ise ürünü hediye ediyor.

DRIVEtron sales has the rental marketing model because of creating a major investment item for the simulator driving courses and in terms of providing tax benefits due to the costs of the rent. The DRIVEtron designed in two different types; Designed to courses where the driver shortage and nose without model 675 TL, given a top model with a month to rent 850 TL. The course is located in a three-year lease commitments at the end of the third year of the product as a gift.

The goal is to be the leader in the market

There are about 2000 Driver Traind Courses all over the Turkey. Almost 200 of these are using simulators for training. Mr. Kınalı said “Our short term aim is to have 30% of the driver training simulator market. To become a leader in simulator market is our long term aim.”

KaTron has presented its first and only commercial Bus Simulator produced in Turkey!

Mr. Kınalı also gave information for the brand new bus simulator as research and development result. “The original parameters such as powertrain model, torque, gears ratios, power and dynamics have mapped and tuned to real feel driving of a heavy vehicle class in our new Heavy Vehicle Driving Simulator”, he said. To stay loyal to the outlook, original equipment and accessories are used in the new and only commercial bus simulator in Turkey. Mr. Kınalı added that all of the electromechanical and software are created by KaTron Engineers.

